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EnrichmentBrightening Up Roots and Radicals
Roots and Radicals 1: The Pythagorean Theorem
The Pythagorean theorem is the oldest theorem in mathematics. Do you know that there is a connection between the Pythagoreans and music?
Roots and Radicals 2: The Spiral of Roots
We can use the Pythogorean theorem to get a visual representation of lots of irrational numbers.
Roots and Radicals 3: Pythagoras and Shakespeare
Roots and Radicals 5: Constructing a Golden Rectangle from a Square of Side 4
No matter how large or small a golden rectangle is, the ratio of length to width is always the same.
Roots and Radicals 6: More Golden Rectangles within Our Orginal
How many Golden Rectangles are contained in any Golden Rectangel? An infinite number.
Roots and Radicals 7: The Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio
Another surprising relationship between two things that initially seem unrelated.
Roots and Radicals 8: The Golden Ratio in Bagdad in 1150.
Here is one problem that has almost everything we know about roots and radicals contained within it.
Roots and Radicals 4: The Golden Rectangle
Constructing the Golden Rectangle, finding the Golden Ratio, and then noticing other Golden Rectangles within the first Golden Rectangle
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